INCOSE SA 2015 recapped, curated and illustrated - Day three
I love the word "pedagogy". I use it as often as I can, it sounds both intellectual and a bit humorous. Its meaning encompasses the...

INCOSE SA 2015 recapped, curated and illustrated - Day two
Self-organised criticality is the mechanism by which networks diversify their internal structure maximally. The more diverse the...

INCOSE SA recapped, curated and illustrated
Knowledge addiction, as I understand it, is driven by the fix you get when you finally solve or understand a difficult problem. This is...

Requirements and Levels of Verification
A requirement is either: 1) a source requirement or 2) a derived requirement. Source Requirements A project's source requirements...

Problem Domain to Solution Domain: It's all about communication.
Why is a good understanding and clear communication of the business need so important? Communication is the foundation for a formal...

Vitech CORE: Create State Transition Diagrams in CORE
I recently sat in a class where we worked through State Machine diagrams and how they are used, specifically we looked at how UML 2.0 and...

Vitech CORE: Importing CORE standard document templates
Instructions, with screenshots, to import Vitech's CORE's document templates into your current project. Throughout our Systems...

Anything wrong with document centric systems engineering?
Well, in principle, no. There's also nothing wrong with libraries still using physical 3x5 cards listing book information. It's just that...

Why Model-Based Systems Engineering? 8 pointers
Model-based systems engineering is a big buzz right now. Should you hold out on that new project or should it be seen as a good...

Why Model-Based Systems Engineering with CORE
Are you losing valuable man-hours to the manual upkeep of systems engineering information? Taking the leap to model-based systems...